
a list of my pre-prints and publications, in reverse chronological order.

also see Google Scholar.

  1. RenderAttack: Hundreds of Adversarial Attacks Through Differentiable Texture Generation
    Dron Hazra, Alex Bie, Mantas Mazeika, Xuwang Yin, Kushal Thaman, Andy Zou, Maximilian Kaufmann, and Dan Hendrycks
    Under review, 2024.
  2. What Causes Polysemanticity? An Alternative Origin Story of Mixed Selectivity from Incidental Causes
    Victor Lecomte*, Kushal Thaman*, Rylan Schaeffer, Naomi Bashkansky, Trevor Chow, and Sanmi Koyejo.
    Accepted as a poster at the Representational Alignment and BGPT workshops at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
  3. Probabilistic Syllable Structure
    Emiyare Ikwut-Ukwa*, Kushal Thaman*, Annalisa Welinder*, Arto Anttila, and Giorgio Magri.
    Proceedings of the 42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), 2024.
  4. An Analytic Model of Stable and Unstable Orbital Resonance
    Kushal Thaman, Viraj Jayam, Jeffrey Kim, Shaurya Jain, QiLin Xue, and Ashmit Datta.
    In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2021.

volunteer work: reviewer at ICLR 2024 Tiny Papers, NeurIPS 2024, System-2 Reasoning At Scale Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024, ICLR 2025.